Digital advertising is not a bubble any longer. A dozen pages of content could be written here about the importance of implementing a digital strategy – but lets keep this high level. If you find yourself intrigued, and want to connect, reach out!
Digital adverstiting is the best brand story teller out there. It is more universal, it is very flexible and allows you to put your message in front of all of your audiences through text, images, video and more. You really need a good excuse as to why digital ads won’t work…because lets face it – they do.
Lets look at why digital advertising is smart.
Your customer is regularly on a digital channel. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google, Bing, Gmail, the list goes on. Today you can’t turn on a computer, phone or tablet without seeing messaging outside of the platform you are using online to get the job done! In 2014, a Neilsen report foudn that the avearge American spends 11 hours a day with digital or electronic media. That is 11 hours of your ad impressions being viewd on TV, radio, a phone, internet or in gaming.
Niche targets, man!
When you place an ad on channel 6 (nothing against channel 6- and without a quick Google search, I can’t tell you who channel 6 is) or in your local newspaper you are throwing advertising to the masses – whether they are your specific audience or not. With digital marketing, you choose! We can target the exact audience, or audiences if you have multiple ads, to make the biggest impact for your business. That’s just smart spending through advertising.
Google, Bing and Facebook are Smart.
With the roll out of algorithms and other artificial intelligence; Google, Bing and Facebook (and the like) are just getting smarter and smarter. Refining your audiences and letting your ads run month over month with few tweaks (but we all know tweaks are needed to improve our investments!) your ads start to get smarter themselves and are placed in front of the best customer for your product or solution.
Marketing is a plan and investment that need not be left out of the books. A small investment can go a long way. As discussed in the post Investing in Advertising, it is important. Like water for the body, you need a marketing plan. It isn’t like a band aid that you just apply when things are not going well.