Social Media Processes and Planning

Diversify your platforms, dedicate time, and be dynamic. Social Media is progressing - are you?

Let’s talk about social media.  We know it is important, there is research that backs this fact up (not posting that here – but message me if you are interested and I’ll fact find around the IoT for you.) Have you developed a strategy? Or have you started to think about incorporating a consultant to help you create and potentially execute on a strategy?  Here are some social things to consider:

Diversify the places

You’ve heard the term, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”  How about the terms multi-channel marketing or “diversification marketing?” Probably the egg comment, right? Well, you shouldn’t need to worry or understand multi-channel marketing and diversification marketing.  Just know that everything you put into the public eye to market your company, self, product and/or solution needs to tie into each other.  Your website should act as a mode to connect your end user to your information, payment solutions, etc. Your e-newsletter should direct recipients to want to purchase, connect or take action in some form (back to your website? brick and mortar?) Your Facebook page should spark conversations – calls, messages, and store walk-ins. All of these channels need synergy with one another. This diversification should also mean that you are going beyond what you think necessary and reaching audiences that you need to cultivate – sure, you want to focus on women 35+, don’t leave out those gals that are 25+. One day they will be 35 and they will be your clients! Cultivating relationships now will help in the future. Diversify – try Snapchat. Try Insta. Try to diversify!


Dedicate the time

Time is money… time is valuable.  During the working day we are pulled into as many directions as possible. Often beyond what is humanly possible. Starbucks run? Necessary!  As a business owner/operator/support staff (each role being as important as the next!) marketing can quickly become out of date as fast as you pour your next cup of coffee…or wine. There is no need to rush and try the latest and greatest – just be patient. I’m a huge proponent on research and case studies. Is it really working? What do the facts show? The people that follow your brand – website, socials newsletters, etc. need time to warm up to you. They need time to understand how you best fit in their life. If you go all willy nilly on them right away – you may lose them.  Don’t throw in the towel though just because people aren’t liking, sharing, or retweeting your messages. You need to be patient. This also holds true for when you try something new! Patients is key. Let that wine aerate.. sip slowly… and watch.  Don’t be afraid to try something new, restructure your strategy – or ask for help. (hint hint)


Be Dynamic – Be, Be Dynamic! (cheer ya on a bit)

Dynamic content is my favorite. It’s the best. People really like to share and engage with it. Dynamic content is truly becoming the gold standard on social media and in digital ads.  There is absolutely no substitue for having engaging dynamic content.

Examples of dynamic content include:

  • Gifs
  • Videos
  • Pictures/Graphics
  • Live messaging (like Facebook Live)

All this probably sounds like a lot.  You can do it though! And if you need help – VLC is a phone call , email, or Facebook message away. Go get’em!

Social Media
1 (701) 353-5496
Virtuoso Leidholm Consulting, LLC.

As a professional consultive marketing company, Virtuoso Leidholm Consulting is dedicated to producing the greatest product and service possible. We embrace  and encourage creativity in every aspect of business while ensuring the highest quality.

Virtuoso Leidholm Consulting

As a professional consultive marketing company, Virtuoso Leidholm Consulting is dedicated to producing the greatest product and service possible. We embrace  and encourage creativity in every aspect of business while ensuring the highest quality.

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